Allan Caswell Wins 8th Golden Guitar

At this year’s Australian Country Music Awards in Tamworth, legendary singer/songwriter Allan Caswell was awarded his 8th Golden Guitar (for Bush Ballad of the Year with Manfred Vijars). Having won his first Golden Guitar in1980, it is 40 years between his first and latest award … a record that is unlikely to be beaten for some time.

Although mainly known as a songwriter, Caswell’s 8 Golden Guitars have included 3 for singing, 3 for writing and 2 for both. Caswell is now Australia’s most recorded songwriter with over 750 of his songs released worldwide.

“I have written 44 acceptance speeches and only used 8 of them but it is a thrill to still be relevant after all these years”

Caswell is showing no signs of slowing down. His new album Tequila Amnesia will be out mid-year and there are a number of his songs due for release this year on singles and albums by a number of artists

These days, Caswell is based on the Gold Coast and divides his time between co writing songs with other artists, touring and running songwriting workshops. Caswell’s autobiography My Version Of The Truth was released in Mid 2019 and has proved very popular with fans and his fellow artists.


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